
Privacy Policy

The Positive Health Clinic is committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of its patients.

The Positive Health Clinic provides Osteopathic treatment, Sports Massage and Medical Acupuncture to its patients as well as exercise advice and management.

Due to the changes in data protection law, the Positive Health Clinic needs to make sure its patients understand how data is collected and stored.

Patient data is stored electronically on encrypted servers with password access. Registration forms are stored in a locked filing cabinet. The principal of the Positive Health Clinic is the only person to have access and will never share it with another party unless instructed to do so by the patient. The data is stored by an  Australian server with full European compliance.

Personal information is retained for 8 years for adults and up to 25 years of age for minors

Data handling and patient complaints are managed by the principle of Positive Health Clinic

David Platten
Positive Health Clinic
105 Brentwood High Street
CM14 4RR

Phone – 07943 044147

E-mail – David@positivehealthclinic.co.uk


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Had my first physio session with David tonight and I would highly recommend!
Vicky Asfour